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Short Term Savings Achieved in Parallel with Modernization RFP

Strongbow launched a pay-to-play negotiation with incumbent providers to capture $4M (10%) in immediate savings in parallel with a competitive bid for SD-WAN services.

Client Situation:

  • Fortune 100 retail chain with 4,500 retail stores in nine countries, four e-commerce sites and approximately 286,000 associates
  • Strongbow was providing both technical and commercial guidance for client’s competitive bid for its planned network modernization program (SD-WAN)
  • Given its focus on SD-WAN, client did not initially plan to negotiate legacy services with its incumbent providers

Strongbow Approach:

  • Developed detailed services inventory, quantified gap to market and identified opportunities for commercial improvements to support ongoing modernization effort
  • Recommended a commercial strategy that would allow client to secure short-term savings without sacrificing client’s longer-term modernization goals
  • Launched renegotiation strategy with incumbent suppliers leveraging modernization as a future opportunity that would only be attainable after current agreements were refreshed


  • Generated ~$4M/year (10%) in immediate cost reductions, which became more critical when network modernization plans were later delayed
  • Secured commercial terms that enabled client to proceed with its network modernization strategy without vendor-lock in or contract exit penalties